The Future of Investments in cryptocurrency

Gold might not have lost its shine yet, but is it still as valuable as it used to be in terms of assets?

2021, has been pivotal in many ways as far reforms in the assets and investments are concerned. The value of Gold has shown a decline by 9% as compared to the accumulation of assets in other sectors like real estate, equities, etc. Contrary to the earlier trends, even the dollar has spiked by 3% this year.

So, what has changed the mindset?

Are people investing less in gold, because they are investing in something else?

Where else are they investing?

The answer is Bitcoin. Introduced in 2009, Bitcoinhas ever since marked a new era in the history of digital currencies. With exchanges on platforms like, CoinSwitchKuber which are credited with simplifying the investments in Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin has gained importance amongst retail investors.

As we know, 2021 opened with a recession and decline in income due to the pandemic. Needless to say, the stock market and the economy plunged due to the incessant lockdowns.

What is a Bitcoin?

It is similar to the general currency with the added advantages of it being a viable future investment option.  Bitcoin is best cryptocurrency to invest .

So how does Gold fall short of expectations?

Gold: An eternal safe asset

Although Gold has been a safe asset since time immemorial - whether during the Great Depression or the central banks and significant government organizations. However, the scenario has changed now, drastically!

Gold value decreasing steadily:

The value of god has been spiralling down with fluctuations over the last two decades. Hence, keeping in view the volatility of the market situation at present, it might be wise to consider other options like Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies to invest in rather than block all your investments in Gold.

Bitcoin is slowly emerging as an asset to reckon with, for both short and long-term investment. Since it is available for exchange and trade round the clock, Bitcoin is a preferred choice amongst investors.

Bitcoin: The digital Gold

Bitcoinis finite in supply; hence it is a very predictable investment option that involves calculated risks. Also, observing the trends in Bitcoin, it is easier to say that the value will increase with time if handled aptly!

Bitcoin is a decentralized Cryptocurrency, as it is neither issued by the central banking system or a federal government. That is produced by the collective computational power of "miners," individuals, and groups of people who work to verify transactions that take place on the Bitcoin network, and are compensated through the same channel.


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