Which is the best site to make money

Today, everything is on the internet. And everybody wants to make some extra money! It is not necessary to always spend more to earn more. You can generate a handsome passive income on a part-time basis or contractual basis as a freelancer, by offering your services online. 

Given below are some of the best money making sites:


Youtube is the new Eureka of this millennium! Whether it is Food, Medicine, services, Fashion, Entertainment, education, Games– everything is on Youtube! All that you can think of is there on Youtube. People are making millions using Youtube. The earnings on Youtube are directly proportional to the traffic that you can attract to your channel! Also, the more sponsorships and endorsements you get for your channel, the more you earn! No wonder Youtube is one of the best website to make some quick easy cash!


Upwork was developed as a platform where business providers and employers can collaborate on a project or contractual basis – all over the world. So even if you are sitting in one corner of the world, you can work for someone sitting on the opposite end – at the click of a mouse! Employers hire freelancers for their services like writing, proofreading, editing, web design, running SEO campaigns, and any kind of similar work that can be done and delivered virtually. All you need to do is pay a small commission of 5% to 20% to the site and make easy money! With time, the more you earn the less commission you will have to pay. The only disadvantage is, the pool of competitors for a certain service is very large!


Fiverr is another platform, which connects freelancers, with hirers. You can provide your services to employers as a freelancer. Whether digital animation or management skills, you can offer you services for someone who doesn’t have these skills and earn extra money. Know something about digital animation? You can earn a good amount of money by providing your services with your skillset.


Etsy is a website that pays you for sharing your unique designs for jewelry, t-shirts, magnets, etc. it is a site where you can set up your shop and sell the products designed by you.You can earn the royalty and 


Owing to the sudden boom in online businesses with businesses shifting online with the internet, the competition has increased along with the competitors. Thanks to the internet and technology, the influence of social media has affected online businesses. DigitalMarket is one of the best site to make money as it connects Startups and offline businesses directly with the services related to Digital Marketing - without a middleman.


Thread Up is an e-commerce platform where you can sell all your extra clothes which are in good condition and of good quality and earn money! However, in case your clothes are not accepted by ThredUp, then, you have to pay the shipping for the item(s) to be delivered back to you. The clothes should be of good quality and good brands which will be evaluated by ThredUp before being put up for sale. They might be returned or recycled if not approved! ThredUp is one of the best site to make money

SME on Chegg

Chegg is an international site on which you can earn a very handsome amount by solving the problems listed on the website. The advantage of Chegg is that you can work in your free hours and earn on Chegg. You don’t have to go around looking for students to tutor. You can work as a freelancer and choose to answer the problems as per your expertise. Anyone with a good amount of subject knowledge can earn a handsome amount, from this site.

Google Adsense

Today, Google Adsense is one of the best sites for earning without any initial investment whatsoever. All you need is a Blog, Website, or a Youtube Channel. Once you have registered on the site for free, a code will be generated to add to your website. 

Select the ad you want to run on your website. Next, select the placement of your ad as per the ads which earn the highest! Google will pay you for these efforts, whenever someone clicks on the ad. Google pays two-thirds of the cost to the publisher without any maintenance cost.

Therefore, choose from the options given above to add to your income. 


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